A Building Standard for human health and wellbeing!

With all the codes and standards emphasizing carbon footprint and energy reduction in recent years, our building and construction industry seems to have lost sight of the priority –

People first, then environment, then profit.

At last, a highly-anticipated building standard centered on people’s heath and wellness instead of energy efficiency is here – The WELL Building Standard v 1.0.

Here is the module 1 of Introduction to the WELL Building Standard course (free!) on USGBC website to get you started :


“Light” is one of the 7 concepts of the WELL Building Standard.    It goes beyond the conventional guidelines to look not only at task-appropriate illumination, lighting & glare controls, but also circadian lighting and daylighting to improve health, mood and productivity.

You can download the WELL Building Standards and learn more about it on the International WELL Building Institute website.

I’m excited to learn more about the WELL Building Standard and hope to be part of the force to bring healthy lighting design to a greater audience.   Aren’t you?  😀